CSP Daily Blog #17 - Natasha, Niamke and James' Day
Published Tuesday, August 01, 2006 by joanne | E-mail this post
August 1, 2006 – CSP Day 17
Natasha, Niamke and James’ Days
Today teams began to plan their Community Service Action Projects (CSAP). This is the final team challenge for the summer, requiring teams to utilize the teamwork, communication and creative skills they have been acquiring during the Challenge Days.Quinnipiac River Team Challenge: Use theater and recycled art to promote using less water. The recycled art (fans with water conservation logos and slogans) will be handed out in a public place, accompanied by the theater piece.
Natasha from the Quinnpiac River Team: My CSAP project is about water conservation. Today we tried to get ideas to create a fan to pass out to people. We’re making the fans from lunch trays. Our design is about not wasting water and rhyme about it. We have four facts and pictures. We had fun today.
West River Team Challenge: Design a postcard about how non-point source pollution affects the New Haven watershed and have a mailing party.
Niamke from the West River Team: My CSAP project is to make postcards. We’re going to tell people about non point source pollution. I hope we get a response back. We have the postcard design on the job list. We did different designs.
Mill River Team Challenge: Organize a clean up of Wintergreen Brook and build a model of a watershed to educate others.
James from the Mill River Team: My CSAP project is about a clean up and cleaning up Wintergreen Brook. It’s on the corner of Brookside and Westville Manor. We have gotten done our list of what we’re going to do and our jobs. We looked at some stuff that we’re going to be picking up, up and down streets. We built our model telling people about the watersheds. We used cardboard and that’s all.
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