August 2, 2006 – CSP Day #18
River Team CSAP ReportsToday the River Teams continued to work on planning their CSAP Projects. Teamwork, hard work and organization were the catch phrases of the day. Everyone worked very well together and got a lot of the work done!Mill RiverReported by James and Sikai
Our title is the Mill Wintergreen Brook Clean Up. It will be behind the Solar Youth office [at 54 Wayfarer Street]. The date and time is August 4, 2006 at 10:30am. (See more about the Mill River Team’s day below with Gammy’s Day)
Quinnipiac River
Reported by Natasha and Adisa
For our project we are handing out fans on the Green. We need you to help people come to the game show part. You will march around and sing the watershed song. People will answer questions and we will give them candy. Trevon and Christian will be the clowns. Natasha is the game show person.
West RiverReported by Naomy, Jaymiah and Niamke
For our CSAP we are doing a mailing party. Everybody here is invited. This is not just a party, it is a challenge. Each team will have a chance to do the task of putting stamps on the postcard and also putting the address on it. Whoever has the most cards done wins the special prize. To have this party we also need your help. We have made a list of food that we would like to have. If you are able to bring anything put your name near the food you will bring. You may also bring CD’s for us to listen to at the party. Just have them in by tomorrow so that Nicole can make sure that there is nothing bad on there. And we need your games from the Challenge Day.
Gammy’s Day
Gammy, our second-year (almost) Public Ally, reports about what his team did today!This morning for the Morning Cruise activities I instructed the campers to draw a picture related to water. I encouraged them to use the scrap papers from their previous projects to add to their drawings. I then led the campers in a team building game called Moving.
It was then time for the campers to go into their different teams in order to prepare for their Community Service Action Project. My team project is to organize a clean up of the Wintergreen Brook and to build a model of a watershed. We did more exploring in order to decide on a final location for the CSAP. So we hiked up the hill to the Westville Manor Housing Project, home of the Solar Youth office. There we went into the woods and took a walk along the brook.
We came across a number of littered objects and other items in the brook that did not belong there such as a bicycle and toy truck. We then hiked back to the camp home base where we spoke about what we saw. The campers then decided that among the three locations that the Westville Manor area of the brook was the best area for the clean up. We then began to draw up a plan for the watershed model. I then showed the campers an example of a human watershed in order to show them what a watershed should consist of. We then played an ice breaker game called AH SO KAY.
After lunch we then did some more planning and then started to put the plan into action. The campers made mountains, houses and trees from card board and twigs for their watershed model. The team then had to present the project to the rest of the camp and tell them about our planning process and about the project itself.
It was then time to call my brother, the Snack Magoo, who is a character who gives the students snack and sings a song to encourage them to eat healthy and to not litter at the end of the day.
Thursday, August 3, 2006
Noon to 2:30pm
New Haven Green
Join our youth as they raise awareness about the importance of water conservation and test the knowledge of citizens about water and water conservation. You can locate us by asking any Solar Youth camper (bright yellow shirt or singing the New Haven Watershed Chant). Come try your luck at Water Conservation Jeopardy!
Friday, August 4, 2006
Behind the Solar Youth Office (54 Wayfarer Street)
Youth and staff together will clean up the Wintergreen Brook behind the Solar Youth office in Westville Manor. Come along if you’d like! Extra hands means less work all around. They will also be presenting a watershed model at our Public Education Project. Direct activism will give the youth a sense of pride and ownership and let them know that KIDS HAVE POWER!
Friday, August 4, 2006
Gymnasium at Clarence Rogers School (199 Wilmot Road)
The West River Team has created a couple postcards discussing non-point source pollution. On Friday, the entire camp will get together and address the postcards, accompanied with a party to celebrate all the hard work we have done all week! Want to help with this advocacy event? Come along!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Peabody Museum Auditorium (2nd Floor)
It’ll be a multimedia extravaganza—youth-created songs, video and art—as well as reports from the three River Teams about their Community Service Action Projects, all they have done and all they have learned this summer of Watersheds!
VIDEO SPECIAL: FASHION SHOW!In a fit of giddiness, some of our youth who didn’t eat breakfast attacked a box of fabric (provoked by Assistant Director Rose and Intern Nicole) and dressed up. This prompted the infamous twins (Natasha and Naomy) to coordinate a fashion show. Taylor and Abby participated and that's Sikai, rambling on about fish gill pills (a running camp joke). Check it out (I love how creative the youth are!)!